There is no doubt that ceviche is one of the most famous dishes of Peruvian gastronomy. It is traditionally prepared with fresh raw fish, lime, onion, chili and cilantro. Depending on the region of Peru, the dish is prepared in various ways; in some, it is traditional to prepare ceviche with a mixture of different types of fish and seafood. In others, it is prepared with shrimp or octopus. It all depends on the raw material available in the area. In fact, this traditional dish, later adapted to Nikkei cuisine, is not only prepared on the coastal area. Whereas, in the interior region of the country, river fish are used.
At Monster Sushi we cook it with high quality sea bass, marinated in a mixture of ingredients that add freshness to the dish.
Are you curious and want to explore these new flavours from home? Order online or by phone and we will take care of delivering your sushi from Esplugues.